December 17, 2007

Check this out!

After trying via several friends to get the video clip of my TV interview in Denmark last June edited and reformatted for North American use, I finally took it to a professional digital copy shop. A friend was then able to post it for me. So now it is up on my website! (It's under Media on the top bar.)

The questions the interviewer asked me were, first, what inspires me and second, do I having a problem letting go of the work once it is done. Now, because I have been painting for so long, feel more confidant in being able to paint a good painting, one that satisfies my intentions, I not only have no problem seeing a painting go off to a new home, I am eager to empty my studio as often as possible. But there was a time, when I first started painting, when it was much harder to let go. At that time if I did a few good paintings a year, maybe three or four, they felt more precious. I didn’t know if another one would follow.

This morning I went into my studio and planned to prepare canvases to work on, to put down the collage materials. I bought a large number of small stretched canvases when they were on sale recently so I have a lot of work to do to make them ready to receive paint. But it was hard not to pick up an oil bar and start working. (I must admit, one painting insisted I work, just a little, on it.) So my mind is churning for tomorrow’s studio time. And my studio is filling up again.

Posted by leya at December 17, 2007 01:23 PM

So lovely to see your smiling face! I loved the video, you look very confident. Wow what texture on your painting. I was very surprised to see the thinkness and the beautiful mark making! I've have got to get my butt to Halifax sometimes to them up close.

Posted by: Jackie at December 17, 2007 04:30 PM

Please do come see, Jackie! But I'll probably be in Ottawa soon to visit Aaron. Hope to see you and yours then!

Posted by: Leya at December 17, 2007 04:35 PM

Lovely words, lovely art. I'm a new reader and look forward to the updates. Happy Holidays!

Posted by: Cathy at December 18, 2007 10:18 AM

Thank you Cathy. Happy Holidays to you too!

Posted by: Leya at December 18, 2007 08:29 PM