September 05, 2006

The Ulysses challange

One of my dinner guests on Sunday is an Irish Studies scholar. So of course I asked him about Ulysses. I told him Jian’s advice (on CBC radio) to skim the parts you don’t understand and keep going. He thought that was a good idea. He also explained a bit about the structure of the novel and suggested I could drop it at times, read something else, and go back to it. But I think I’m hooked right now.

I’m on page 155 and want to continue (so far). I rarely don't finish a book I've started. It's not out of guilt or feeling I "should" finish it. It's more curiousity, to see what the writer is doing, how it could be better, might get better. I probably would have made a good editor (but would have hated it as a job!). I did put a couple of books down unfinished recently, so I can do it.

My friend is also teaching a couple of classes on Ulysses and said I could sit in on them. I’m looking forward to that.

Posted by leya at September 5, 2006 08:33 AM