June 03, 2006

Studio time, at last!

So, I was finally at last (with great enthusiasm!) able to get into my studio this morning to work. The place had been cleaned up for last weekend’s Studio Rally. And there were no workmen around today! With my paintings to be wrapped on Wednesday, picked up on Thursday, of course, today I decided to work (extensively) on one of the large pieces in the exhibit. The large blue painting that has been a struggle from the beginning. I’ve already photographed it, thinking it was finished, but never felt completely comfortable with it. It worked but didn’t feel right to me. It just felt too busy. I’m happy with it now, I think. I’ll know tomorrow when I look at it again. And I am grateful to the heat gun I recently discovered as a way to get the paintings to dry. (I use oil paint sticks and the heat helps set the wax in them.)

The other day R. was also saying artists (who are successful, showing and selling) like to talk about themselves, their work. It’s more of a public obsession for them. They want to show their work and they want to talk about it. It took me a long time to want to talk about my painting. But I’ve learned it is important. Not everyone can look at a painting and be satisfied with just looking/feeling/sensing. And in a way it does help me to put it all in words, have a point of view, a perspective on what I am doing. And not only the “what” of it but also they “why.” It is, after all, a non-essential service by conventional standards. But it’s one I wouldn’t want to do without.

Posted by leya at June 3, 2006 06:56 PM

I can hear the calm and excitement in your writing! You are happy to be back to the studio! Hey, I remember your blue painting, the one you took a studio picture of! I love that one! But I am sure I will love it even more! So is this proof that a problem painting can be resolved? Have you ever had a painting that drove you bananas from start to finish and then still haunted you?

Hey, I think your paintings have appeal to any generation. You produce exciting modern work! Believe me, no one is going to look at your work and be bored. It is just not possible! Just my opinion, but I believe it to be so!

So you don't use resin,florescent colors,chicken wire and elephant dung! And thank you for that!

So what kind of a heat gun do you use? Are the oil sticks naturally glossy when they dry or are they very matte? Do they take days to dry usually? I'm about to order some from Stevensons to draw with on MDF, perhaps with acrylics too.

Hopefully this will help get me out of my dry spell.Ha!

Oh and Leya, FYI, (from your previous post)you are the best!

Posted by: Jackie at June 3, 2006 09:53 PM