Lila loves her dolls. Does this make her a real girl? Or am I stereotyping? I heard on the radio (CBC of course) some scientists did an experiment with monkeys (I don’t remember what kind of monkey) in which they put out dolls and trucks for a group of mixed sex baby monkeys. With no social pressures, all the female monkeys chose to play with the dolls and the male monkeys took the cars and trucks. Interesting, eh!
So . . . here’s to Lila and her dolls!
Posted by leya at January 13, 2006 08:01 PM
My pets haven't had dolls, but Jasper had a stuffed dog that he was very attached to and my former cat, Mr. Smartypants (yes, his name, really) has a bear. He loves his stuffed bear so much...he carries it all over the house with him and the hair is gone on the top of the bear's head from him loving it with kisses and grooming! He lives with a former roommate now (the cats became too attached to one another to be separated) and I just heard he still has the bear.
Posted by: Rachel at January 14, 2006 12:45 PM