December 24, 2005

Tis the season

Holidays are madness. I don’t know why we have them. Well, really, I do. And really, we need them. We need time away from our daily tasks, away from work, time to be with friends and family, time to play. But holidays can very easily turn into madness.

Yesterday afternoon, while standing in the grocery store, at the deli counter, I overheard a man irately telling another man: “Some people have a lot of nerve, butting in. They should wait their turn like everyone else.” He claimed he’d been there first and the other man said simply: “No you weren’t” and calmly proceeded with his order. The first man replied something to the effect of: “Get out of my face!”

Then a woman near me said she needed to get to some items just behind me. “Get out of my face,” she joked. “Happy holidays,” said I, as we both laughed.

Posted by leya at December 24, 2005 09:27 AM