August 05, 2005

Into the room the . . . come and go

(In the opinion of one) I’m a certified crackpot. Sitting on my dock with some friends the other day, one asked me how long the lake had been there. I said at least a couple of centuries. When I first moved into my house, I had some spooky experiences, the kind you read about in books. Lights would go on and off without my touching them. I felt a presence in the rooms, especially in my living room. Then one night when I was lying in bed, just before going to sleep, I saw a figure float into the room. It was a young girl, around eighteen, in a long wedding dress, with a large bouquet of flowers (dead, of course). She was eerily transparent, obviously not substantial. I sat up in bed and said, very loudly: “What are you doing here?” and she left. Never returned. Before the houses around here were built, mostly in the past fifteen years, this land was woods; no one lived here for a long time, several centuries.

Then I told my friends about the ghosts I saw when we lived in Richmond, Virginia. Thinking back on it, they must have been from the Civil War. Always at night. I would see a long line of ghostly figures, mostly just bones, walk into my bedroom in single file, over and over, for what seemed like hours. I never told anyone. Just watched in terror. It was only much later that I thought about them as ghosts, lost, disembodied spirits.

Of course, one of my friends didn’t think these were stories a rational, grounded person would relate (or experience). He told his partner later that he liked me, respected me, but couldn’t accept that I saw ghosts. So I am now labeled a kook. But this was my experience, the ghosts, that is. I don’t believe or not believe in ghosts. It just happened. I didn’t ask for it; I didn’t look for it. And I don’t mind being considered a crackpot. I know I’m okay.

Posted by leya at August 5, 2005 12:01 PM

Perhaps those who do not see spirits are partially blind.

I've never (yet) had that experience, but I don't doubt it.

Posted by: sue at August 5, 2005 09:23 PM

I found your blog by total accident (was looking for some Japanese stuff), got hooked by this short account abt ur polio-stricken aunt, then got again, pierced?! by your ghosts... Why do I totally believe you? I neither believe nor fully disbelieve "ghosts" but how you tell it creates utter credibility. Why never told anyone before?

Maybe some transient stage between dream and wake-up? Like I dreamed someone coming in my room - danger - and tring to move, desperately, while being still paralyzed by sleep? I heard myself yelling, howling before I fully woke up. Ultimate terror?
Again astonished by my imagination of the blogger as male... turned out to be wrong. Ok, why do we make so much fuss abt gender?
Any coaxing abt the amazing paintings allowed?
Add to strange things here myself: German, finding ur blog during working hours in my dull office... can't do without strolling away from my dull work tasks.

Posted by: Oliver at August 9, 2005 02:33 PM

I think maybe seeing ghosts is possible when "reality" is not questioned as a provable fact ("a willing suspension of disbelief"), just, as you say, in that dream-state, Oliver, a person is not totally grounded in "facts". I probably didn't tell anyone because I grew up in an environment that would not have been supportive of such information. It was the self-preservation instinct of a child, I suppose.

Posted by: Leya at August 10, 2005 07:21 AM