June 20, 2005

Still more tango!

Another Tango weekend, this time with a visiting teacher from Montreal, Clement Lafond. We learned some fancy footwork:


And watched Margaret and Clement dance.




It is quiet here in my home but I can still hear the music and I feel as if I am still dancing. I learned so much this weekend, especially that I need to dance more. Clement said over and over that tango dance is 95% practice. I’ve been taking beginner classes since October. This was the first time I have had a chance to dance with more experienced dancers for such a prolonged time. I can see what I have been missing, the flow of the dance, putting it all together. Time to move on, take more classes. Learn more. The tango is such an amazing experience.

Posted by leya at June 20, 2005 10:49 AM

Nice read. Keep it going. Spiderfriend333

Posted by: alex b at June 23, 2005 10:50 AM