February 13, 2005

A shaggy dog story


Mikka is here for the weekend. I�ve borrowed him, a rent-a-dog. It�s nice to have a warm body in the house. To burn off some of his energy (and to take a nostalgic trip to my old home), we went for a walk in Duncan�s Cove yesterday with Suzanne and her dog. Although there are some new houses in the area, the village looks about the same. A quiet little gathering of houses waiting for something to happen, waiting for ships to come in, for storms to gather over the ocean.


I used to go for long walks along the bluffs with my dogs, Katie and Sebastian. When Sebastian died (at three of cancer), Katie went out that night into the brambles and howled at the moon until I was able to bring her in. As charming as Duncan�s Cove is, with interesting, friendly people living there (mostly in the arts), I don�t miss it at all�the intense winds from the ocean and the feeling of isolation that comes with it.

There were some interesting ice formations along our path:



Then today was another sunny afternoon and Mikka and I spent the afternoon throwing the object of Mikka�s affection, his Kong, into the snow for him to catch, dig and chew. He also chased squirrels (who outran him up trees).


Mikka's favorite toy:


It's indestructible, great to chew, fun to throw around, to toss in the snow, to chase, catch and dig up and chew some more.

He goes home tomorrow. I�ll miss him.

Posted by leya at February 13, 2005 03:52 PM

It still amazes me what a companion Jasper is. We're having a little touch of spring here and it was so nice to take him for a nice long walk. We were even able to get down by the river so he could run off leash. Of course he immediately ran over to a nice pile of deer droppings and rolled all over in them. As for the Kong...J has a really strong bite and we're actually on our third Kong, but now he won't play with it very much because it's almost too strong for him. I'm glad Mikka enjoys his so much!

Posted by: Rachel at February 13, 2005 05:57 PM