I received the most interesting (interpret: “strange”) phone call yesterday afternoon. It was from a woman who had been given my card from someone who was at the RBC reception last Thursday (where I had some paintings displayed, along with other Studio Rally participants). She was recruiting new people for her office, had been given my card as someone who was “upbeat” and competent and she asked me if I would be interested in a job with her financial company, advising and helping people get out of debt. Now that is very strange, considering that staying out of debt is a major part of being an artist. And that I am not usually considered “upbeat” nor always out of debt. She asked me if I was happy with my work, if I was making enough money. Yes, I love my work, I am ecstatic, in love with my work and no, I don’t make enough money (to expand my studio and buy a new car) but I wouldn’t trade the financial insecurity for an office job, not on your life! Not after struggling so long to be able to see a (possible) end to my debt-load.
My life has been a financial roller-coaster, sometimes up and just as (or more) quickly, down. After 9/11 things were very (extremely) bad for a year and a half. But I am stubborn and I kept going, believing that, even though I had many sleepless nights, things would get better. That someone, somewhere would want my work. That it would start selling again. Be appreciated. And I have been very very very careful once I realized that the roller-coaster ride can continue unpredictably, even the track is not stable.
So when I hung up the phone, I went back to my painting, finding the conversation very amusing. And glad that I don’t need the job right now, nor the services.