May 01, 2004

blogroll revamp

I just reorganized my blogroll, splitting up the categories somewhat differently. It's always tricky, so many shades of gray: writer moms who write about politics, moms who write articles here or there but maybe don't identify themselves as writers, authors who are in fact parents but don't talk about it... and so on and so forth and like that.

If you're on my blogroll and feel I've done you a grave injustice by placing you in the wrong list, let me know. I'm happy to swap things around.

Posted by Tamar at May 1, 2004 11:10 PM

Well...I guess it feels a little limiting to be considered a "poliblog."

I guess I'd rather be just a regular old "blog."

Posted by: Allison at May 3, 2004 05:56 AM

Done! Yours was one of the tricky ones to define.

Posted by: Tamar at May 3, 2004 12:04 PM